The solution to the mental health crisis starts with


50 %

of people experience

mental health diagnoses

at some point in life

20 %

of young people have considered


17 %

of people struggle with a

substance use disorder

mental health diagnoses

20 to 25 %


of young people

8.4 %

of people

substance abuse



mental health diagnoses

Our experiential positive youth development program

A 12-week adventure-based psychoeducational prevention program, informed by research, to support young people ages 12-17 in Portland, Oregon who are experiencing increased levels of risk of substance use, mental illness, and other behavioral health challenges.

Community-centered therapeutic coaching develops essential skills, encourages active lifestyle choices, and builds positive peer groups and a network of community support.

Adventure-based prevention




Resilience is the capacity of a child or a child’s family to successfully adapt to challenges that may threaten or inhibit the child’s development or the family’s functioning (Masten, 2014).

Success and mastery are opportunities to practice resilience in action. These are opportunities for our youth to be guided through challenges in which they can find and celebrate successful outcomes while working together with their peers in safe environments that are facilitated by adult staff.

By developing these skills in supported environments at Wild Hearts, our participants develop resilience and become prepared to overcome many of the real world challenges that young people face today.

Mental health literacy & skills

Participants will have ongoing practice and reinforcement of essential skills and knowledge in a safe, relatable, supportive group of their peers.

Knowledge of mental illness

Stigma reduction


Social support

Help seeking

Outdoor group sessions

Sessions are organized around therapeutic activities that have been demonstrated to support psychological development and wellness.




group challenges

In your community

Sessions take place close to home, in association with neighborhood schools, Portland city parks and nearby trail systems, and local non profit and community organizations.

Now accepting applications for 2025

Now accepting applications for 2025 ✦

We are now accepting referrals to Wild Hearts for young people ages 12-17 in the greater Portland, Oregon community. Participants will need adult transportation to and from the sessions, which will meet at various Portland-area locations every week.

We strongly encourage parents/guardians to participate in the first and last meeting of each 12-week session.